Archive for the ‘Student Q + A’ Category

Was it worth the work?

December 12, 2008

So we go through 4 years of high school and think things can’t get much more complicated than what we’re going to wear to prom or who was seen holding whose hand in the hallway. Then… college comes along. It’ll be the best 4 years of your life, they always say but after hunting down money to pay for tuition, rummaging through and eBay to find the most expensive book for the cheapest price with the least highlighter marks in it and then finally reaching graduation, I can’t help but wonder… was all of the work really worth it?


Student Q&A: Life after graduation

December 12, 2008

Michael Pote, 21

Year: Senior

Major: Advertising

Lives: Brooklyn, New York

What are you going to do on graduation day?

The first thing I’m going to do is graduate, after that, I haven’t really made any plans. I might go out and eat dinner or something with my family, but I’m definitely trying to party. It’ll be one of the last days that me and my friends are all here, and it’s my last day of school, so it’s definitely reason for celebration. As for specifics, I haven’t made any plans yet, but I definitely want to do something unforgettable.


Student Q & A –

December 12, 2008

Here is an interview THE FLASHLIGHT had with a normal student, with normal goals, with a normal life. Here is what he thinks about life here at St. Johns University – 


– Good Bye for now, and enjoy the Holidays!

– Jose Silva

Student Q+A: Evolution or Religion, which one do you believe?

November 23, 2008

       When this controversial issue comes to Addie Maldonado, who is a student majoring in history at St. John’s University. As a very vocal person, she is always looking for the truth behind the issues.

       So, how did people appear on the earth? When this question came to Addie, she raised another question: “The huge controversy about evolution versus religions is that if you admit to evolution, many people take it as if you are saying that God does not exist and that we are here by random chance. However, in philosophy I learned that one proof of God’s existence is that God is the ‘uncaused cause.’ So if he is the cause of everything, then doesn’t that make him the cause of evolution?” (more…)

Student Q+A: Transfer between States

November 15, 2008

n27618598_35083188_5429 Her name is Jordan Haskins (right side), freshman at St. John’s University, and a member of St. John’s volleyball team. (more…)

Student Q&A: Karissa Lopez

October 14, 2008

 Karissa Lopez

Flashlight: You transferred into St. John’s as a junior… what’s been your favorite part about campus life so far?

      Karissa: What I like most about St. John’s is how diverse it is. Meeting thesenew people from different          cultures made me love St. John’s even more. 

Flashlight: What’s one place you’ve been to, since your time at st. john’s, do you think every student should visit at least once?

      Karissa: On campus it’d be Taffner. The activites they have in there are great for excercise, and the              weight room has everything you need to get a good work out in. And of campus Ground Zero because it        shows a big part of our history, and you can show your respect to all the people that we lost

Flashlight: What’s one thing you couldn’t live wthout as a resident student?

      Karissa: Phone and computer, just to stay in contact with ur family and friends back home

Flashlight: Ok, last questoin. If you could go to ANY school besides STJ what school would it be?
      Karissa: Hmmm, It would have to be USC.

– Rachel S.

Student Q+A: An English Major Student

October 14, 2008

A very nice looking girl with long brown hair and a lip piercing, named Jessie Schoonover. Her major is in English and is currently a sophomore at St. John’s University and she barely ever comes back to home because she loves her current environment. She is almost a daydreamer about great cities and stories. She possesses a quality that every writer should, better said, and must have to create great works of literature. Also, I met her in one of my journalism class, The Craft of Interviewing. (more…)

Student Q + A: Presidential Debate

October 9, 2008

Tuesday’s presidential debate ended with tons of different ideas presented by the candidates, and tons of different opinions given by all those who watched. Lets see what St. John’s students had to say about it.

Obama and McCain
Obama and McCain


Student Q&A: Robert Imparato

September 29, 2008


Yet another first! This time it is our Student Q&A. FO rhtis time, we did a quick interview with Robert Imparato, a 19-year old sophomore computer science major from Huntington Station, NY. And here we go…

From Roberts Facebook photo album

From Robert's Facebook photo album

Flashlight: St. John’s–why?

Robert: It’s close. It’s not too far and not too close. I can go home when I want to. And my brother Chris goes here.

Flashlight: What is one of the better things St. John’s has to offer, in your opinion?

Robert: It’s close to the city.

Flashlight: Of the multiple things you would want to change about the University, what is the biggest?

Robert: Trayless Tuesday. It’s ridiculous. I drop my food half the time. It should be optional, if anything. (more…)