Posts Tagged ‘St. John’s University’

Was it worth the work?

December 12, 2008

So we go through 4 years of high school and think things can’t get much more complicated than what we’re going to wear to prom or who was seen holding whose hand in the hallway. Then… college comes along. It’ll be the best 4 years of your life, they always say but after hunting down money to pay for tuition, rummaging through and eBay to find the most expensive book for the cheapest price with the least highlighter marks in it and then finally reaching graduation, I can’t help but wonder… was all of the work really worth it?


Student Q & A –

December 12, 2008

Here is an interview THE FLASHLIGHT had with a normal student, with normal goals, with a normal life. Here is what he thinks about life here at St. Johns University – 


– Good Bye for now, and enjoy the Holidays!

– Jose Silva

Flashlight Special: Who Said Graduates of St. John’s Don’t Make it Big?

December 12, 2008

schwab_logo1Hey there, stressful Johnnies,

Well, just like all of you reading this post, I am stressing out hardcore! I got one of my finals out of the way, and got two more to go (doubtful that you really cared, but too bad, I’m telling you anyways). Now, before you go commit academic suicide, just know that the work you are doing could lead to something big in the future. Maybe even famous!

Before I did this, I walked around campus to see if I could get some influence on who the students wanted to see in the post.

“There are famous people who have graduated from St. John’s?” replied one student.

“How about Britney Spears?” replied another. (I really wish I could have made that one up) (more…)

Inside Gate 6: STJ Volleyball’s Sacrifice

November 1, 2008

When people celebrate the Halloween, St. John’s University’s woman volleyball team was staying at home or dorm to prepare the next day game, versus Villanova.

Since we take our game seriously, St. John’s volleyball team beat Villanova in 3-1 on Saturday afternoon at Carnesecca Arena. The Red Storm won its sixth straight match with the 25-22, 27-29, 25-18, 25-16 win and stay in first place in the Big East Conference.

Inside Gate 6: Carnesecca Finished!

October 30, 2008

Just in case you missed it… we have a gym again! Carnesecca is finally finshed and open for business! (more…)

We want your Halloween Costume Pictures

October 28, 2008





 We at the Flashlight want to see your Halloween costumes. Send us your pictures at and We will select the best ones and feature them here on our blog.

Will your costume have enough awesome to be featured?

– The Flashlight Staff

Student Q+A: An English Major Student

October 14, 2008

A very nice looking girl with long brown hair and a lip piercing, named Jessie Schoonover. Her major is in English and is currently a sophomore at St. John’s University and she barely ever comes back to home because she loves her current environment. She is almost a daydreamer about great cities and stories. She possesses a quality that every writer should, better said, and must have to create great works of literature. Also, I met her in one of my journalism class, The Craft of Interviewing. (more…)

Let’s go Red storm!

October 4, 2008

As a member of St. John’s University volleyball team, I am really proud of every single one, and respect all of our coaches. (more…)