Father Charlie Arrested in pornography scandal.

Father Charlie Arrested in pornography scandal.



St. John’s priest Charles Plock, widely known as Father Charlie, was arrested Friday night for sending two porn videos to a detective acting as a 13-year-old boy, which contained him masturbating in the bathroom. Father Charlie who is well known among the resident student’s for being a rather ” cool” priest was released on a $150,000, which required a 10 percent down payment, was paid for by his fellow priests. 

Father Charlie argued that he only sent his videos to consenting adults during his arrest in his on campus apartment.

 We will have further coverage as the story develops.  How do you feel about the situation? Leave your comments below.

Read the story from theDaily News

Read it from Fox

And NY1

– Jose Silva

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  1. Kathleen Says:

    I knew Fr. Charlie from back when I was a student a St. Johns. It is shocking news that is hard to grapple with. He has done so much good in his life for disadvantaged, very poor people. Clearly he needs help. There are many good priests out there and I pray for anyone affected.

  2. John McCain Says:

    What a shame. I am against abortion, Obama and pornography consumption by priests. And of course dirty campaigning. You know, many opponents in this campaign have gone too far but I told my fellow Republicans that this Obama is a decent family father. You have to forgive my people but you know that they are actually right, don’t you? Osamas campaign was first in throwing dirt at me and our great American values.

  3. sjuonlinenews Says:

    Every time I talked to this guy I thought there was something strange about him. But never anything like this.

  4. Mike Says:

    Father Charlie rules! Who cares about a little pedophilia, we are all humans, we all need outlets, what needs to happen is a modernization in the church, a new vatican council to start allowing these men to marry before the repression becomes too much over time , pushing them towards the most forbidden things. It’s only natural if you’re **** was kept in a mason jar for 40 years that something would happen. Priests are people too who need outlets too. Father Charlie is the man.

  5. Lynecia Says:

    Oh wow, that is shocking!

  6. St. John’s History: A Timeline of our mishaps… « The Flashlight Says:

    […] this weekend’s unfortunate incident with Father Charles Plock, I have decided to give you guys a little insight on other incidents here on campus over the years […]

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